Category Archives: Posts

Narrative essay is due!

Please upload the final draft of your narrative essay into the assignments section (access via left-hand tool bar) by 10:00 am tomorrow.  

Grades on the narrative essay will be determined based on the rubric for the assignment, and will take about a week to post.  You will receive the rubric with the grade. This essay is eligible for revision if you are unsatisfied with your grade, provided you send me an email detailing the areas you intend to address within a week of receiving your grade. If you choose to revise, the final revision must be submitted within four weeks of receiving your initial grade. 

Grades for the peer review will be posted by Friday 9/20.

Text or email with any questions.


Narrative essay and online peer review

Just a reminder…the first draft of your narrative essay is due on 9/4 at 7:30 am. Please post it to the discussion board by that deadline.

Also, instead of meeting in class on Thursday (Monday schedule), we’ll be doing an online peer review of the narrative essay. All the information you need to complete the online class will be posted to the discussion board by 7:30 am on 9/5. Your response is due by 7:30 am on 9/6.

School is in session!

Check this page for information and documents relevant to class. All changes and reminders will be posted here.

Comments are enabled…so if you need clarification on something you find here, post a question or comment. I’ll be checking in regularly, but anyone can answer if the have information to share.